Tuesday, October 12, 2010

On My Mind

So basically right now my mind is filled with lots of really random thoughts. I thought I'd share.

#1 My sister is getting married. WEIRD. I'm going to have a brother-in-law. Good thing he's pretty cool.

#2 I love my job :) For real. The kids are cute and I pretty much get paid to eat animal crackers and make finger painted spiders.

#3 I'll never be a very good singer, but that's okay. My shower head hasn't started complaining yet.

#4 Fruit snacks are most definitely the best finger food.

#5 My sister has a fish. His name is Charzard. He's a little bit boring, regardless of what his name might imply.

#6 Boys are dumb.

#7 It makes me feel real weird when someone says "Hey! A bunch of us were talking about you in Biology today!" Even if they were saying good things, it sorta makes me feel itchy.

#8 Yeah, it's a little pathetic when your parents have to drive you to and from a high school dance because you're not licensed, but hopefully my date will still want to go with me.

#9 At first, I really didn't like Justin Bieber. I just listened to him because I felt bad that everyone didn't like his music, but now I'm hooked. BIEBER FEVER.

#10 Sometimes I'm a little afraid that I'm quirky or odd, but most of the time I'm a lot afraid that I'm not. I don't want to be just like everybody else, but I'm afraid that just makes me more like everybody else.

#11 Boys are still dumb.

#12 If a genie appeared to me and told me that I had three wishes, I'd probably waste them all and then totally regret it later.

#13 The only nickname I've ever had that has stuck is Helen Keller. This worries me on occasion.

#14 I secretly worry that I'm not funny. People like people who are funny.

#15 Boys = Dumb

#16 I have conversations with Future Emily. I like to talk to me in the future and see if Future Emily has any good advice. It usually works.

#17 Sometimes I forget how to spell really simple words and then I freak out because I think that I have Early Onset Dementia.

#18 My sister Melissa is the prettiest, funniest, nicest, most perfect person I know.

#19 I feel guilty every time I squash a spider because I wonder if his family misses him.

#20 Did I mention boys are dumb?

#21 It's October which means there are only 8 1/2 months until my birthday.

#22 Ice Cream Trucks bring the world joy.

#23 My mom is completely amazing.

#24 I'm super immature so I try to act older than I am, and still come out appearing immature.

#25 I always think that I want a hot dog, and then I take one bite and don't want it anymore.

#26 Blogging is a lot harder than it looks. I'm sorry if you don't really care what my thoughts are.

These are my toes. One glitter toe got ripped off so I painted it pink.

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