Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Clue #11 that your life is great:

You're brushing your teeth with your new singing Justin Bieber toothbrush and forget to press the button that makes the Biebster serenade you with your choice of two of your favorite JB songs (Baby and U Smile).

All because you're too busy thinking about how darn happy you are :)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

It's been one of THOSE days.

You know, the kind of day when:

-Your teacher tells you not to come to first period
-Your mom lets you skip second period
-You're excused for third and fourth period
-You drive to and from Salt Lake TWICE (once in traffic!) and don't get lost or kill anyone
-You get a perfect score on your AP Stats free response practice
-You find the PERFECT parking spot at the Conference center and get to park for FREE
-You get to spend all day with your Xela/Phoenix family singing at Temple Square
And to top it all off:
-President Uchtdorf listens to your choir and says "I didn't know we had angels in Bountiful."

Yep, pretty much a fantastic day :)

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I take it back.

Harold is having battery issues. He only turns on if he's plugged into the wall. . . so. . . yeah.
Back to Hermana Regis's phone.
Dang it.

Monday, December 12, 2011


My phone - yes, you remember Harold. He sent random texts to people and went swimming in the sink last Thursday - IS ALIVE!!
Now this may not sound like something to be excited over, but I'm actually really really happy! Now I have all my pictures and contacts and locked texts.
And....yeah. So it's back to the old number for those of you who updated your contact information. Sorry :)

Thursday, December 08, 2011

Once upon a time

A clumsy girl dropped her phone in the sink while the water was running.

Oh well. I needed a new phone anyway. . . . . .

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Sometimes your day just sucks.
It's no one's fault. It's just life.
And really, the only thing to do is cry a little, eat some ice cream, and listen to Justin Bieber.
And be thankful that you're blessed with amazing people in your life.