Sunday, August 19, 2012

Don't worry, be happy :)

Today's been a little melancholy for me.

It's been a lot harder to say goodbye to people than I would've thought. I'm really going to miss everyone I'm leaving here in Bountiful, even though I'm really only a forty minute drive away.

Also, today we found out that my Papa (my mom's dad) has pancreatic cancer. It wasn't really a surprise (he's a Vietnam vet and this is an effect of Agent Orange) but it's still hard to hear.

But as easy as it would be to let this get me down, I still have so much to be thankful for! I'm leaving early tomorrow morning to go my dream school. I'm going to make new friends. Because of modern technology, I can still Skype, text, and facebook my old friends. And of course there are a million tiny miracles to go along with the story of my Papa and his Med-Evac from the Air Force base in Germany (where he was serving an LDS mission with my Mutti) to Walter Reed military hospital in Maryland.

Right now things are tough, but I really don't have it that bad.

So today, I choose to be happy.

And it's pretty easy when you watch this video :)

And if you could, any and all prayers/thoughts/good vibes sent Papa's way are really appreciated. He's a great man and one of my heroes. I love him a lot.

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