Monday, May 09, 2011

Happily ever after?

Lately I've been pondering the phrase

What exactly does it mean?

What IS happily ever after?

Does happily ever after only happen for those with wavy golden locks? Damsels in distress rescued by handsome, broad-shouldered princes? The courageous? The composed? Those with no worries or insecurities? Who never make mistakes? Does happily ever after mean all your troubles are gone? Does happily ever after only come at the end of the story?

Or can happily ever after come true for someone who maybe has split ends a lot of time and frizzy hair? Is it possible for someone who doesn't like to be helped, who would rather save herself? What about someone who prefers tall, lean, hilarious guys over the traditional tough, bulky, macho types? Someone afraid of feet and getting her eyes gouged out? One who is awkward and unsure and never quite on the same page as everyone else? Someone who frequently doubts herself? Someone who makes heaps and HEAPS of mistakes? Someone whose troubles will never all be gone? What if her story never exactly ends? Can she still have a happily ever after?

And why is it always "and THEY lived happily ever after"? Can one not find happily ever after by themselves? Can you not be happily ever after alone?

What defines a happily ever after? Is happily ever after a life full of luxury, comfort, and quiet? Can it not be found in making do, laboring, and noise?

Who decides?

So, dear readers, I am truly perplexed.

What IS happily ever after?

I don't know. I have no idea.

Maybe you can help me out.

What does happily ever after mean to you?

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