Friday, August 19, 2011

One day more. . .

Today during family scripture study, my dad decided to let this bomb loose:

"You know, Emily, today is your last day of summer vacation. Ever."


Even though I knew it was coming, it totally stunned me to hear him say it like that. Today IS my last day of summer vacation! A year from now, I won't be freaking out about whether I should have bought the peach cardigan or the purple one, or if there's going to be anyone I know in my English class.
No, I'll be freaking out about if I'll be able to afford rent and if I'm going to starve to death because I can't cook.

Scary, scary business.

As excited as I am to grow up and get out into the world and all that jazz, today I realized just how terrifying that is. Here's a hint: really, really terrifying.

But I guess I have all year long to worry about the future {where I'm going to college, what I'm going to major in, who I'm going to be, and other inconsequential decisions}.

So for now, I'll just hop in the car - with my newly obtained driver's license - finish up my school shopping, try to wrap up the summer bucket list {yeah, yeah, I know it ain't gonna happen, but a girl can dream, right?}, and somehow prep myself for senior year.

So, deep breaths everybody. Somehow we'll get through this.

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